sommar i kaninhålet

Big bad birds

Nattvarelser & Drummeln och spöket vid kärnen
En sommarnatt drummeln ensam fiska
skuggor runt omkring honom viska
“lyckas du dra gäddan opp
ger jag dig ett otäckt dopp”
kärnen är kall botten frusen
varelser som drunknat här
är räknade till tusen
spöket ser på när drummeln doppa
sin agnade krok i dödens soppa
han hoppas sin familj få föda
med kött från de redan döda
Ty drumelns drumla i sin slummer
dregglande mumla usling, dummer

Finally, our Cabin in the woods
Spending some time in our home, the cabin, feeding and intencely petting our mosquitos.

Whilst not busy caring for our animals, we plant rhubarb and make pancakes.
Unfortunately one got so burned it looked dangerous to eat, so now it hangs outside in a clothes peg and decorating our porch. Throwing food is bad!

"Da fck you look at?"
Hello June, missed you!

mysteries of the home

three small grains of poo

tre små korn av bajs
Smokers guide to the roadaxy

The smoke may look cool, but smoking is bad.
Being bored, restless and unhappy is also bad.
They should get a dog instead, also a bit
smelly, but much cuter.
Happy new years evening!
My showering partner got Gifed
How a city is created
I got this book of blank sheets, a black Uni Posca marker and recycled(!), coloured pencils.
This is the result when testing them together.
Furry monster trapped in ice

Snow flake
Trafica rehearsal
The Hodge
Getting close to winter

Cool snow flakes
Our little lodger

The Hermine "Lill-Fisen"
The neighbor