Bipolar days, orange soda and ghost spiders

Found a ghost hotel in the window. What does a ghost spider look like?
During these bipolar spring days you just chill outside in the sun together with your old high school friends,
while enjoying an orange soda, take away sushi and the possibility to finally wear shorts.
Or, you meet up with you dear steph sister, here I interrupt myself;
The word steph sister gives one bad associations. When you here the word steph sister,
the girl you think of would rather place your head on a sharp stick and grill it like a marshmallow,
than lend you one tiny neck lace. She sings terrible, has awfully large feet and gets totally upset
over a tiny mouse in her tea cup. Bitch.
Steph sister; One of your best friends, who cares for you, who you care for.
She is wise, strong and has perfect sized feet.
She is the person you'd like to lay in the grass with, surrounded by others enjoying the sun in
Vitabergsparken. The park that day time is visited by loving couples, fathers with baby wagons,
mothers with baby wagons, bag ladys searching for cans, dogs chasing each others and friends
just doing nothing.
What ever happened to bipolar? It happens directly when the sun sets, and suddenly
the temperature sinks abruptly and you would like to have both hat, extra socks and the possibility
to asap get home or somewhere where there at least isn't a nice climate for polar bears.
During summer nights in Vitabergsparken, aca Vitan, whenever the whether alows it,
all kinds of interesting people like to gather there to enjoy the less Christian pleasures
that life offers, like drinking alkohol, fight and have sex in the bushes or surrounding flower beds.
Whenever necessary, the forest surrounding the park provides the perfect toilet.
If you are looking for an interesting spectacle I strongly recommend you to stay at least untill
10 o clock pm. Then in when the provide against alkohol starts. The police arrives to the party
to check things out. Anyone who's lucky to still have some lively lemonade left does anything it
takes to save it, wether he or she has to silently hide, perhaps in the snog-bush, for half an hour,
desperately drink everything, or endure the hunt apparently unbothered,
untill last seccond when uncle bluepuffs his breath in you neck,
asking whats in your bottle. Mister cool has two alternatives.
Either he obedient handles over his stumble juice to the nice officer,
who brutally ends the party with pooring the forbidden liquid out.
Or, he acts fast, grabs his dearest and makes a run.
This is usually a difficult and dangerous stunt,
and may result in some involuntary tripping of the physical kind that.
This depends on that people tend to end upwith troubles of manouvering themselfes
flexible and quick after spending a couple of hours in the dark shadows of Vitan.
Cheer up
"Bland djur, insekter, fiskar och
fåglar finns olika hälsningscere-
monier. Spindlar till exempel viftar
med "armarna", kräftor och hum-
rar gör likadant med klorna.
- De vill visa att "jag är inte farl-
lig och tänker inte anfalla dig. Jag
vill snarare vara din kompis - och
kanske ha lite sex.""
Citerat från DN
"Amongst animals, insects, fish and
birds there are different greeting
ceremonys. Spiders for example
waves their "arms", crayfish och
lobsters do the same with their claws.
- They want to show that "I am not
dangerous and will not attack you.
I'd rather be your friend, and mayby
have some sex.""
Quoted from DN

fåglar finns olika hälsningscere-
monier. Spindlar till exempel viftar
med "armarna", kräftor och hum-
rar gör likadant med klorna.
- De vill visa att "jag är inte farl-
lig och tänker inte anfalla dig. Jag
vill snarare vara din kompis - och
kanske ha lite sex.""
Citerat från DN
"Amongst animals, insects, fish and
birds there are different greeting
ceremonys. Spiders for example
waves their "arms", crayfish och
lobsters do the same with their claws.
- They want to show that "I am not
dangerous and will not attack you.
I'd rather be your friend, and mayby
have some sex.""
Quoted from DN