Dagen då tandborsten glömdes i hårknuten

Om en orm upptäcker att han är iakttagen slugar han sig iväg baklänges för att fienden ska luras, och bita honom i svansen istället för i huvudet. Kloka små krabater det där.
Tart of pancake
the art of not moving forward, or moving forward one step and falling backwards three miles

Oh little goat, how few troubles you have

Ingenting fungerar
the art of not moving forward, or moving forward one step and falling backwards three miles

Oh little goat, how few troubles you have

Ingenting fungerar
Proffs and fenomenal goes professiophenomenal!

Hello brain, How do you do? How was your summer?
Why thank you, little hands, I'm fine.
I've almost survived and I'm happy the room spins around like this,
it'll save some money since it's no longer necessary to visit the Gröna Lund.
I've almost survived and I'm happy the room spins around like this,
it'll save some money since it's no longer necessary to visit the Gröna Lund.
Golly gosh, sounds like fun!
What about nourishment?
Oh, you mean like Saft and music?
I've felt a couple of sugar rushes running through my mind,
but the chewier stuff I remember as something exclusive,
one might place in the land of far far away, the land of butterflyes and intestines.
I've received a postcard, with greetings from the tummy-land, saying
"went hiking,
just leave what you find by the door,
and I'll take chare of it as soon as I get back, love XX,
ps. Anything that tastes good is good, don't forget to chew. ds."
I've felt a couple of sugar rushes running through my mind,
but the chewier stuff I remember as something exclusive,
one might place in the land of far far away, the land of butterflyes and intestines.
I've received a postcard, with greetings from the tummy-land, saying
"went hiking,
just leave what you find by the door,
and I'll take chare of it as soon as I get back, love XX,
ps. Anything that tastes good is good, don't forget to chew. ds."
Cool, any trace of the little fellow yet?
Dunno, I'm busy being fascinated by that beat going on in the rest of my fortress. It's spotofy!
BTW, did you know that no matter how tired one is,
there is always laughter and joy in doing what you like.
There was a party for show, during this last produktion.
Smoke and coloured lights filled the air,
led by JUSTICE - STRESS the fortress herself spinned around with a camera,
supposed to be tripping. Party, best day.
En mage är som en hästBTW, did you know that no matter how tired one is,
there is always laughter and joy in doing what you like.
There was a party for show, during this last produktion.
Smoke and coloured lights filled the air,
led by JUSTICE - STRESS the fortress herself spinned around with a camera,
supposed to be tripping. Party, best day.
ehr, say what?
I was photographer, and the scene was a crazy party where they played Justice!
Wooow, awesome!
I know!!
Hittade till min glädje ett av mina få klädesplagg, mitt favoritlinne, nytvättat av någon annan. Nu i ny updated version till den nya kulören "mintgrön med inslag av mystisk nyans ungefär lika charmig som diarré"
Har den väl blivit halt blir den aldrig hel igen
Men tänk ändå, på kanotfärder, bäverbon, roadtrips mitt i natten, åskdunder över taket, att ha second base bredvid dubstep igloon och äta saftiga wraps.