Yatta yatta bye bye and comissions of trust

self portrait
Less then a month til graduation. Leaving the bubble forever, and then what?
That answer is uncertain to most of us.
Molkom should be thought of as a springbroad to the real world,
instead of a base camp you always seek back to.
We will feel lost, we will feel lonely. But this will last for a week,
and then a bunch of other fun things have happened already.
It is not a very dangerous world out there. Not if you have good shoes and a toothbrush.
My lovely friends make me feel so good and like I can do anything.
You guys are awesome, all of you!
I cant se exactly what I will be doing. There is like anywhere to go, and I'd like to go everywhere.
I can imagine do almost everything, except for a bunch of things. And not only one thing, you know!
But I do know, I really like my car.
She rocks, and she rolls. To bad she doesn't have a top floor with bed, shower, fridge and wc.
Guess soon I'll count myself as homeless. At least for the couple of hours it'll take me
to drive from Molkom till Stockholm. Then I'll just crash at my dads house, where there is even room
for my car, aka "Skruttan". Actually, she will not get her own room, but some space at the garage.
Who named her btw? She named herself this winter when she,
(actually, sometimes its a he, a intersexuell car) refused to start.
Thank you, Tess Lydeholt Berg, for the commission of trust
and honour of letting me design and decorate your tank top.