
Försökte ta porträtt av norrland, men det blev ju bara massa träd.

Vildmarkstipset; korvgrillning
Att göra en riktig brasa är underskattat. Vare sig den är inomhus eller utomhus.
And we went out

Some of my friends wanted t-shirt prints. So after the delivery we went out in the wild wild woods of wermland
to document the result. Nice shooting with you guys! These are some of the prints.
hello to the unknown

This above used to be my crib, my studio.
The painting, above above, is standing beneath the window,
and about to be coloured digitally.
Now I am leaving it for the unknown.
I remind myself and everyone to mind where they put their focus.
Instead of focusing on what you leave,
what is negative or what is not yours,
one should focus on where you are headed,
the things you like and what strengths you have.
(as always, keep an open mind, this is not laws of living,
there are always exceptions.
Like those long travels to the country side,
to the ski resort or when visiting someone far away are awesome.
Use your brain)
To explain why is unnecessary, but if you are very curious on why,
you should definetly try to find this out.
You are in need of a lession, a vision.
You, Read any book by Henrik Fexeus!